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The Roewe Whale (Roewe Jing) is a brand new SUV model launched by SAIC Motors under the Roewe brand. The vehicle was unveiled at Auto Shanghai in China in April 2021 as a concept car.
The natural form of the blue whale has inspired the creation of this brand identity. It captures the frontal view of the precise moment when the whale pops its head above the sea and unveils itself to the world spectacularly. The visual echo closely to the brand mission of Roewe’s Whale Series – “Born For the Brave & the Magnificent”. 
15 “throat grooves” shapes remind us of the classic “folds” design shown on the model. These shapes are the 2-D projection of the silhouettes of a 3-D sequence of “energy cubes”. 
The visual retains a timeless status quo that transcends the boundaries between the above two dimensions concurrently. Such vision strengthens the 3 aesthetic cornerstones that Roewe’s Whale Series enshrines – “balanced, intelligent and futuristic”. 
15 units of uneven “energy cubes” line up in an orderly manner, simulating a progression trajectory that depicts 15 years of growth and milestones of the Z-Generation. The key generation who defines the characteristic of Roewe’s Whale Series – “bold, visionary, energetic and vibrant”. 
Not only does the trajectory reveal the image of a whale, but also a “star-gate” linking to the future. The title “WHALE” simulates the sea horizon for the “whale” above. The letter A works as a “navigation sign”, forever pointing towards the direction forward, the tip of the whale’s head, and the peak of the “energy cubes” sequence. It metaphorically reflects the brand’s consistency – “forever lead, forever innovates “. 
该标识衍生于对“蓝鲸”的形态观察,以正视视角重现“鲸抬头”的壮观定格。呼应荣威“鲸”系列“波澜壮阔,横空出世”的勇者气质与品牌定位。 15道“鲸褶沟”的刻画点出“鲸系列”经典的“褶皱切割设计”。以“能量晶体”方阵突破惯性思维下的线条排列,在实现该标识永久性跨界平面与 三维感知两端的未来性视觉的同时,展现“鲸”系列的恒定之美,智能之美与科幻之美。 15道渐进式“能量晶体”排列,代表了Z世代成长轨迹的15载,作为“鲸系列”特别致意的中坚世代,他们的时代印记即“鲸”的印记——格局大, 抬头看,能量满与律动足。这一轨迹不仅勾勒出了“鲸”的身影,也划出了一道“时空隧道之门”。 标识底端的“WHALE”(鲸)平衡有秩,宛如海平之线。中央的A字母形似“导航箭头”,永久指向前方,指向鲸头尖端,指向能量晶体序列的顶 峰,寓意“永远向前,永恒尖端“。