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Quinn Wedding is China’s newly emerged wedding and ceremonial service brand that aims to offer every new couple in the world an exceptional and unforgettable wedding experience once in a lifetime.

Originally named “Queen Wedding”, the re-branding strategy has drawn inspiration from the new reality of the Z-Generation. In particular, their ever-changing embracement towards a more inclusive and customized wedding experience instead of the conventional approach. Hence, the new brand is also trying to reflect such new normality while still maintaining the classic elements of wedding magic: the romantic and the elegant.

A wedding is a special occasion where two individuals assemble a joint entity. Thus, the brand’s logo aims to inscribe precisely such a moment by defragmenting the original typography of the brand’s name and reassemble them as one unified icon. The icon itself is not complex, but it still carries multiple layers of visual codes easily recognizable as symbols of “marriage”: “2” & “LOVE”. These elements also formed the basics for other brand’s graphical elements in the system.

With the help of the icons set that illustrates the service areas the company covers. Clients would be able to navigate and immerse themselves easily throughout the process of preparing their dream wedding stretch from beauty to dinning, event to service.